I have screenshot of API connector of GET request to fetch hubspot tickets.
I need to dynamically fetch the tickets using the {{feathery_user_id}} user id or any other input value. And in the Rule JS i’m using the code on form step loaded.
response = await feathery.http.get(`https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/tickets/${ticketId}?properties=hubspot_owner_id%2Ccontent%2Chs_pipeline%2Chs_pipeline_stage&associations=email%2Cnotes%2Ctasks`, {}, {
Authorization: 'Bearer ****************************'
} catch(e){
console.log(e, 'error');
For some reason, on this POST request https://api-static-2.feathery.io/api/custom_request/ i’m always getting 404 and error response {
“message”: “Not found.”,
“code”: “default-error”
Is there anything wrong on the way dynamic variables used. If i hardcode the values, both API connector and feathery.http.get request is matching, then it’s working.
Please help me on this.