Issue in API connector GET Request - Dynamic Variables

I have screenshot of API connector of GET request to fetch hubspot tickets.
I need to dynamically fetch the tickets using the {{feathery_user_id}} user id or any other input value. And in the Rule JS i’m using the code on form step loaded.

    response = await feathery.http.get(`${ticketId}?properties=hubspot_owner_id%2Ccontent%2Chs_pipeline%2Chs_pipeline_stage&associations=email%2Cnotes%2Ctasks`, {}, {
      Authorization: 'Bearer ****************************'
  } catch(e){
   console.log(e, 'error'); 

For some reason, on this POST request i’m always getting 404 and error response {
“message”: “Not found.”,
“code”: “default-error”

Is there anything wrong on the way dynamic variables used. If i hardcode the values, both API connector and feathery.http.get request is matching, then it’s working.

Please help me on this.

As long as the variable you are using is properly set up (it exists, either form field or hidden field), then your API connector should be good. You can test a response in the API connector pop up.

You can then simply utilize the one liner code here (#4 - Connect to API Action | External Docs ) to do the API call.