Minified React error #40 & #200

Hi, I have dash app (dash is a framework which wraps react components using python) and I’d like to embed some forms, but I keep getting the same errors:

Minified React error #40; visit Minified React error #40 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

Minified React error #200; visit Minified React error #200 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

I have tried plain JS and I even created a dash component using your React version of the form and though it is displayed and it works it keeps raising that error, I know this is not a dash support forum but on the REACT side what could I be doing wrong, my understanding is the form container is in collision with some other react component from the framework, is there a way to figure this out? (Sorry about the poor description on the error, I’m not a REACT developer)

Hey there, are you using the exact React code generated by the form? It would be best to check with dash the correct way to add it.

yeah, I just imported the code as is, this error is also triggered when embedded with the vanilla js script:

(() => {
    const loginEnabled = false;
    Feathery.renderAt('container', { formId: "formid" }, loginEnabled);