Adding Quantities to Items from drop down

Hello! I’m wondering if there is a way for users to add values to an item picked from a multi select drop down. What would be the best way to go about this. I am creating an order form and would like users to be able to select multiple items from a drop down, and then enter the quantity of that item that they would like. How could you add a quantity input into the multi select drop down, or alternatively, how could you import the list of what was selected from the drop down, to have users input quantities in a separate step. Thanks!

Hi there - I suggest utilizing repeating containers for this one.

Example here would be, you will have your dropdown multiselect in a preceding step.
Then to display the selected options, this would be how to do that. Set the text to {{muti}} (this is your dropdown field) and set its container (Container 7) to Repeatable (under container properties). You should also set the text field on the right to repeatable. This is where your quantities will be inputted.

By setting this way, the form will automatically render rows of containers corresponding to the selected options.

Here’s a full reference to what else repeating containers can do: Dynamically Repeating Containers | External Docs

Thank you so much this is working great for me!

Hello, As a follow up is there a way that I could get these values to appear next to each other in the results once they are inputted? Either in the pdf of the results, in the results tab, or in an email sent, I need a way to link these together, thanks!