BUG in Telephone field


I’m trying to use a phone field. If I set it with United States as default, it works Ok. I can change to Spain (we are based in Spain), and enter a phone number without any problem (we have clients worldwide so we need the ability to switch country).

But if I change the default to Spain or to Automatic, then I can’t submit the form because I always get “This field is required” (obviously I’m entering a valid phone).
If I put the “Optional” check, then I can submit, but no phone number is recorded, no matter what I put in the field.

I tried this on Chrome and Edge on a Windows 11 PC and on Chrome on a Macbook and I always get this issue.

Hi there, I did a quick test on my end and was unable to replicate on a test form. Could you share your exact form here where we can see this issue?

Hi Eri

Today is working fine. Nothing has changed from our side, so we will keep looking at this to see if the issue arises again.
