Can't see form answers on the emailed PDF

Hello Team,

I have integrated my email so that I receive emails and PDFs when a form has been completed. However after receiving the PDF I am unable to see all completed fields. It is essentially showing partial results (First page/step only). There are also complete sections of the form missing, which were completed during sumbmission. These results are visible on the results tab within Feathery but not in the PDF. Is there a way to see the fields and submission results in the PDF? Even better would be able to see the results formatted in the email I receive.

Since all of your later fields are optional, your form is getting triggered as completed after the first step and that’s when the email gets triggered to send out. You should uncheck Complete Submission When All Required Fields Filled in your form settings to turn off that behavior

Thanks @peter that has fixed the problem perfectly. This is a great tool, very intuitive and I will be definitely recommended it to colleagues.