Hi there,
I am having trouble uploading files from my form into my salesforce created record via the SF integration.
I have a form page with four different file upload fields as you can see below:
Each field is bank-statement-1, bank-statement-2, etc until 4.
I am setting up a Trigger on file submitted on the SF integration and trying to upload to the record created by that form but it does not seem to be working:
The UI os a bit confusing so I am not sure if I am putting the right data and I did not find anything to help on Feathery docs.
All fields are marked as required, however some questions:
Title: I assume this is the title of the file, however I did not find a way to access the title of the file. How can I do this? I tried both using the File field name and also just putting a test text, nothing worked
Description: I am planning to hardcode this with plain text
URL of the file: This is the most confusing for me. How can I access the URL of the file? Is there a way to access this directly on the integration UI? Do I need to create some logic rule and store it in a hidden field?
Finally, if my page can upload up to 4 files, do I need to create a trigger for each of these files or can one trigger pass all of them to SF?
Thanks for your support and if you have any docs referencing this I’d gladly read more myself.