Something that could really make the UX better and make the process much more efficient for everyone is the way how changes/updates on the Themes reflect on the Froms.
Currently this is the (bad) process:
I make a change in my theme
I publish the theme
I go back to my form and I see no popup/modal that says “theme is updated. Publish theme changes”. Also my Publish button in the form isn’t clickable, because it stays as “published” since before my Theme edit.
So now I have to refresh the form-page
and now I see the “Publish” button clickable again
I click publish = and now I see the changes on the live preview
Can you guys make this more efficient and easier so that once I publish Theme changes:
it automatically sends a message (in the backend) to the form that’s using it;
Once I get back to my form page browser-tab > I should get a modal/popup on which there is the PUBLISH button immediately (without the need to refresh the page).
This way we will save lots of time, cause we’re doing a lot of changes (and I believe other users as well).
Thanks in advance,