Within Stripe, developers are able to create multiple prices for one product, which is very helpful for those needing to offer different payment plans for a single product, or for those who offer the same product at different prices. For instance, I am a service company who offers the same service in different states for different prices with different sales tax rates applied.
Currently I simply create a new product with a multiple of the same product for every area I serve. It would be cleaner and scale more efficiently to be able to use different prices instead. I wouldn’t end up with a huge list of products (when you consider that the plan, tax rate, and price could all be variables, the list multiplies very quickly), and I could use the same images and descriptions and names for all prices of the same product.
Is there a way to specify which price will apply to the product I am adding to my feathery cart? Ideally, this would be possible in the form builder UI and advanced logic.
Let me know your thoughts/questions-- thanks!