Browser alert - Leave page? Changes may not be saved

All of a sudden my forms are asking for the user to confirm they’re happy to leave the page upon the last step of submitting the form.

Please can you help confirm what is going on? I think Jake has had a look at this before and something was changed for me. Am I doing something wrong?


Sites include:

Hello @bfRhap , I am trying to test your forms, but the phone number field is not accepting any test input. Do you have a test input that I can use for the phone number field?

Hi Kailash,

It needs to be a UK Mobile number - so starts 07 and 11 digits long in total.

This should pass validation.
A postcode should you need it also could be TA13FB.

Hi @bfRhap I have tested the therapycareers webpage and the form submission, page navigation and tab closure all happened without any popup. Can you try again and let me know if you are seeing this behvaior still

Hi Kailash,
Ok, that’s hopefully meaning not all users are seeing it.

But it still happens for me, would it be based on me being logged into Feathery?
Or perhaps because I have some cookies/cached from somewhere?

What would make this happen along the journey, do you know what step it happens at?
I usually submit the form, and the animated gif on the button is spinning for a few seconds.
Then I see the browser alert box asking if I want to leave.

Do you have logic running when the last submit button is clicked?

Yes, there is logic being used and then a redirect at the end of the form completion - as far as I can tell the order of things.

Is there likely an API call still ongoing for the validation I am carrying out on Phone and Email?

I’m not quite sure on the ordering or over hang of logic in the process, especially when mixing the settings of the form, with logic on the form and then inline js code too.

Are you still seeing this? If so, can you attach a recording of you going through the entire flow? I’m not able to reproduce


Apologies for not coming back sooner.

I have had someone else experience the same issue and they’re not logged in or associated with the feathery account.
(This was something I was considering as being the reason I was seeing it)

I wonder if the calls to the validation service I am using are still being run in the promise, and haven’t finished when the function to open the next url comes in and the browser is waiting still?

await Promise.all([
feathery.http.connect(‘Data 8 - Phone Validation’),
feathery.http.connect(‘Data 8 - Email Validation’),
feathery.http.connect(‘Data 8 - Salacious Name’)

//Rest of code

if (
nameValidationOutcome.notEquals(‘Invalid’) &&
emailValidationOutcome.notEquals(‘Invalid’) &&
) {

//Rest of code

await feathery.http.connect(‘AirTable - Brain X Movement Leads Table’);
feathery.openUrl(thanks_pg.value, ‘_self’);


How would I best troubleshoot this?


Where is your URL redirect being set from? I don’t see it on the form itself

In the feathery logic code inside the form - next to integrations tab.

Can you share a screen recording or something? I’m looking at the 365 Training form rules and do not see the open url logic

Ah sorry this is the location I’m seeing an example of this issue…

I do see it on all forms. But this site/form is where someone else has come across the issue.

I’ll capture a screen recording today and share.


To clarify, I’d like a recording so you can show me where that logic is in the form itself. I’m looking through your form setup and don’t see the open url logic anywhere

Hi Peter,

Here’s two videos - one on the form and one inside feathery.–iZeHrqhfQRjFdSh?usp=sharing

I see an error in the console.log, but have been moving the code around in the feathery code area before now and not seen the console error but had the leave page alert as seen in the videos.

This is happening on all forms for me - and I’d say consistently rather than occasionally.


we’ve made one more small update on our end and now recommend you prepend feathery.openUrl() with await. However, the bigger issue here is that you’re doing this on a rule that runs on submit. You probably should run this on form completion instead (after submit) since redirecting the url during submit will prevent data being saved to feathery and is a reason why the warning is comign up

Thanks for the help, I’ll take a look today.

Hi Peter,

Can’t seem to make this work still - it is having the same problem, although I have split out the openURL to a form completion step and added ‘await’ before it.

Any suggestions? Have I implemented your suggestions correctly?

ok - please try again one more time after 10 minutes, i believe it should be resolved now

Is this a change that affects all my forms? I’m conscious it happens across them all not just the BrianX form I shared the video for.