Cloned Donation Form template and container properties error


I’ve cloned the sample donation form. When I try to look at the properties of each of the amount containers, the page redirects with “Oops!
Something happened while loading your page.” I can look at the styles just fine but when I try to look at the properties, error happens.

I looked into this. It appears we have an issue in the Donation Form template and how it is pulling products from Stripe. We are looking into it. In the meantime, please avoid using it. The other payment form starter templates do work properly and many of them illustrate how to build payment forms in similar ways. Sorry for the inconvenience.

We did get the Donation Form template fixed. It now pulls the Stripe products correctly. It should work fine for you now. If you have any further issues, please let us know. Also, there were some unnecessary set field value actions in the donation form for things like the plan name and cost. I have cleaned those out of the donation form template. If you recreate the form from the donation form, they will be gone or you can just delete them yourself from your copy.

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