Stripe Checkout 400 error - invalid product

Having trouble with getting Stripe Checkout to work.

I have set my product in the Designer (Team 1 Dollar, stripe_id: prod_PwqGIcQY6wWhbz)
However, when I go to test the form, in DevTools I see a 400 error

"[{\"message\":\"Payment Error: prod_Prc8Nn3skzdCru is an invalid product.\",\"code\":\"default-error\"}]"

prod_Prc8Nn3skzdCru is the Stripe_id for a different product (Team Account $1 in our Stripe Staging environment).

Found the issue.

When testing, recommend deleting past entries b/c it seems like the form will try to pre-load what you’ve done in the past (which can include prior products rather than the new product set).

Alternatively turn off “remember user” in your form settings if you don’t want it to remember previous sessions anywhere