First page of form not collecting data when it is embedded into a website

Hi Team,

We are having trouble getting the first page of our form to return values when we embed it into our website

Form collects data fine when not embedded. Speaking to the website builder to see if they have any valuable input too.

Anything we can do to fix this?

What do you mean by “return values” in this case?

The first page of the form doesn’t record what the customer has typed into the form. If you go into the “results” tab of our form (ezivisa embed), you’ll notice all the results for the completed forms that we have do not contain any info from the first page of our form, however, when we jump into FullStory, we can clearly see that the customer has actually completed the first page before continuing to the 2nd page, yet the “results” tab shows that no form fields have been completed.

Resolved! needed the button to be set to “validate and submit”