HubSpot Integration

When creating a trigger for data received to create or update a contact, not all information is being received on HubSpot, even though the fields are mapped. All properties are related to the contact.

For example, first name and last name are currently not integrating.
For partial submission, is data received a good option?
I’ve tried step loaded, but the information was not updating in HubSpot when filling out the form.

What information are you missing? Is there a specific field / submission you can point us to? Note if the email hasn’t been received yet, we wouldn’t be able to update your hubspot record if you’re trying to do a lookup on the email

Yes, so we do receive the email, and the following information:

First name, last name, ethic group, salutation, previous education, all other properties, are not being integrated. We also have files on form, that not appear in the contact information on HubSpot.

We are currently using “data received” for all properties.

Can you try the form completion trigger as well and see if information is still not being transmitted over? That will indicate where the issue is here

Sure, I will try right now. Do I need to delete the data received trigger or can I just add it as a new trigger?


We allow adding multiple triggers, but in this case you might want to delete the old trigger to make sure they don’t conflict

I deleted, and the only two fields that integrated were the email, campus the student type.

Here’s the error returned from Hubspot. You’ll want to make sure your fields are mapping properly.

“Property values were not valid: [{“isValid”:false,“message”:“High School was not one of the allowed options: [label: "High school graduate "\nvalue: "High school graduate"\ndisplay_order: 0\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Certificate NDS"\nvalue: "Certificate NDS"\ndisplay_order: 1\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "GED"\nvalue: "GED"\ndisplay_order: 2\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Some college"\nvalue: "Some college"\ndisplay_order: 3\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Associate degree"\nvalue: "Associate degree"\ndisplay_order: 4\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Bachelor degree"\nvalue: "Bachelor degree"\ndisplay_order: 5\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Master degree"\nvalue: "Master degree"\ndisplay_order: 6\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Doctorate degree"\nvalue: "Doctorate degree"\ndisplay_order: 7\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n]”,“error”:“INVALID_OPTION”,“name”:“previous_education”},{“isValid”:false,“message”:“Separated was not one of the allowed options: [label: ""\nvalue: ""\ndisplay_order: 0\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Single"\nvalue: "Single"\ndisplay_order: 1\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Married"\nvalue: "Married"\ndisplay_order: 2\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Divorced"\nvalue: "Divorced"\ndisplay_order: 3\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n, label: "Prefer not to answer"\nvalue: "Prefer not to answer"\ndisplay_order: 4\nhidden: false\nread_only: false\n]”,“error”:“INVALID_OPTION”,“name”:“marital_status”}]”