Is there a field I can add that assigns a random and unique ID to each form session that would be sent with each form submission?
Feathery will automatically generate a random and unique ID per submission (the user id). This is accessible via integrations like the email integration. I believe the helper text on the email integration config describes how you can insert the user ID into the email
I thought the “user id” was something else entirely - so I suppose I can use that for the Update Criteria in the Google Sheets integration?
yes, that’s fine if you’re populating the user id into the sheet
Hi Peter, I found this thread when trying to pass the feathery user ID to my CRM.
Following the instructions on the email integration I am using the ‘{{Feathery User ID}}’ variable in the body of my API connector, but it is not recognizing it:
Has the variable name changed? Is there another way to pass this?
You should be able to use the feathery_user_id variable in half an hour: Connect to API Action | Feathery Docs
This is now working. Thanks for that.