"Add to Cart" Working on Test Version but Not Live

Regarding this form: Book with Double Knot

The “Add to Cart” function works fine in Test, but not in Live.

It may have something to do with how I added the Stripe products. Initially, all my products were Live Only, then I added Test products of the same name in Stripe. Then I had to resave all my Stripe products in Feathery to make the test products work in my test form. Now the Live form version of “Add to Cart” no longer works.

Please advise as my deadline for this app is tomorrow.


What error are you seeing?

I’m not seeing any errors that would be relevant in the console, but when I click the “Add to Cart” button that has the action to add the products to cart, it doesn’t actually add them in the live version. The button remains unselected. It works in the test version.

Your actions have missing field maps, which is causing htem to not work
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 12.48.51 AM

I removed that missing field map, and the items are still not adding to cart in the live version.

I’m also going to forward an email I received from Stripe about a webhook failing to support@feathery.io

thanks - i see the issue. can you whitelist localhost:3001 on your stytch integration? that will allow us to debug further

Done. I’ve whitelisted it for both the live and test environments.

It’s not properly whitelisted, sitll getting this error:

“error_message”: “The redirect url in the request provided query parameters that did not match any redirect URLs set on the Stytch dashboard for this project. Please visit Stytch - User infrastructure + passwordless authentication to make any necessary updates. For more information on why this validation is necessary please visit Authentication API reference - url validation | Stytch”,

Apologies, should be fixed now.

i’m still getting the issue. what are you seeing the redirect url to? it should be http://localhost:3001?_slug={}

Okay, I’ve set the redirect url again.

Thank you adam! This issue has bene resolved

Perfect, thanks! It seems that it no longer applies/unapplies the “selected” styling to the buttons anymore when I add and remove products from my stripe cart in the live form… Now it remains in the default style no matter what, and my buttons do have “click again to deselect” enabled. The test form works correctly.

Any idea why?

This has been fixed as well

Great! Thank you. Another thing – I have to click the “Pay” button twice on the “Checkout” step for the external stripe checkout page to initialize.

Thanks for flagging Adam - this has been fixed as well

I think this fix may have broken something else, as now I’m getting stuck in a loop when loading my live or my test form. Here is a loom showing what’s happening: Video Message: Troubleshooting Live Form Issues | Loom

And to clarify, this typically happens after clicking on the link in my magic link email.

Can you try clearing your cookies and see if you still run into it? I don’t think the stripe fixes are related to this