Having a "Payment Error" pop up before I get to a payment page

I have put together a form that upon completion is being built to take me to a Stripe powered payment page.

Upon filling out the required fields on the form and clicking “Go to Payment” which should take me to the area to enter payment information, I am being met with an error message.

Looking at the Inspect pages to see what is happening behind the scenes, I see the call for:

Request URL: https//api.feathery.io/api/stripe/checkout/
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Remote Address:
Referrer Poilcy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

And the response error saying:

[{“message”:“Not found.”,“code”:“default-error”}]

Has anybody experienced this before? Any ideas what is going wrong?

you shoudl clear out the customer lookup field in your integrations etup. the stripe ID is an identiifer unique to stripe so the email will never correspond to it

Hey Peter – we tried this and are still getting the error.

We’ve done the following:

  • disconnected the Stripe connection and re-established it with new secret keys
  • cleared out the customer lookup field
  • tried creating a new Product in Stripe from Feathery (this worked so the connection between Feathery and Stripe is good).
  • tried checking out with the new product we created (still getting the same error).

This is an odd error because it just started happening yesterday. Everything had been working fine until then.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, we are planning to go live with the form next week.

Including @jay here to take a look at this issue

should be resolved in half an hour or so

@peter Thanks for taking care of this issue. Can you give us some insight into what the root of the problem was and how it was addressed please?

there was an internal refactor that triggered this bug, which we fixed

@peter Ok, is there risk of this being a continuing issue? We are evaluating this as a process that is business critical and want to make sure we understand the potential issues that may arise and how to address them.

this was one-off from the refactor to allow embedding forms via form ID.