Stripe checkout at 0€

My stripe payment is still 0€.
The Stripe integration is activated, the product is added to the basket, the basket total is visible, the checkout works, but when the bank asks me for payment confirmation, the sum indicated is 0€.
If anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks a lot!

cc: @eric to help out here

Hi Tang. I took a quick look at your form just to verify that there is no mis-config. I see where you add the product to the cart and where the cart checkout is triggered. Also, the expected cart total tells me the form is correct as well. In short, I am not sure why it is not working and troubleshooting is needed.

I suggest starting in your Stripe account. The first thing I would look at is the Stripe events log available in the Stripe dashboard under developers. You should hopefully see events for an invoice being created/finalized. In those details you may get a hint as to what is going on.

Also make sure that in the product with the EUR 2 price, that the EUR 2 price is the DEFAULT price and that it is a one-time price (in Stripe dashboard under products).

Also, I see that this is a 3d secure transaction. Maybe you can also try it in the Stripe test environment (with a test instance of your form) using a Stripe test card configured for 3D secure. Does that work? See test cards here.

Try the same above, but with a Stripe test card not requiring 3D secure auth. Does that work?

Basically the strategy is to work back to something that works and hopefully that tells us where the problem is.

If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply !
I think the error comes from the fact that the checkout integrated into the form generates a “Setup intent” instead of a payment intent for a one-time purchase. When I use Stripe Checkout, it generates a “Payment intent” and it works.

You are correct about the setup intent. Feathery does always setup the card in Stripe on the customer before continuing on to payment. I have attempted to simulate as best I can your situation using Stripe test cards that require authentication. I do see the prompt on the setup but obviously it is a simulated auth prompt from Stripe and is different. However, if I verify on that prompt, it continues to payment. In your testing, can you do the same?

All of the above being said, Feathery is not properly handling the auth prompt on payment. This results in a payment failure message on the form UI when using a card that requires bank auth. This is something we will address, but it will take a few weeks due to other priorities.

Thanks for your answers!
I’ll switch to Stripe checkout in the meantime.
Other than that, Feathery is the best form builder I’ve used so far.
Keep making the best product!