Stakeholder receiving SSL Protocal Error

Hi, we just launched a newly designed form.

Our stakeholder is receiving a err_ssl_protocol_error when trying to view the form on his mobile device. Android - chrome.

Hi there - how are you sharing the link to them?
I looked up this form id and it does not exist in your workspace at the moment. The “Bato - Injury Quiz” you have there have a different form id. Could this one you linked be a deleted older version?

Thanks I had the form link set to auto-expire.
here is the new link

Thanks for confirming that!

Unfortunately, as this kind of error is isolated to that end user network (and can’t be reproduced on anyone’s end), it’s hard for us to investigate further at this time. This is highly likely due to their own local network settings. If you’re in direct contact, may we suggest to ask them try switching networks (maybe from WiFi to mobile data or vice versa), and if possible inform us of their ISP (if it turned out dependent on that) and their location.

Thanks. I will see if switching networks solves the problem for them.

My concern is, how can we be sure that many of our users won’t experience this issue when the form is live to a large audience?

All SSL protocol errors should now be resolved

I’m having the same issue. We sent a form to an audience and 4/20 users let us know they received ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR response. Switching networks did resolve the issue for some of them but the error rate was quite high.

@Thropic hello, we’ve made your forms available at
this should help in getting rid of the SSL errors

Hello, I have a form that over 100 people have completed and many including our own CEO cannot access the form. We’ll be releasing this form to over 4000 of our clients.

This image is from one of our clients.

Here is the form link. 2024-AEP HCQ

@Ty_Bogle you can set a feathery subdomain in your settings to change up the link a bit! this should help in getting rid of the SSL errors

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Thank you. I will try that.